Monday Morning Musings

Grace and peace. I trust and pray that this morning finds you abiding in Christ, as you seek to pray and obey, especially loving your neighbor. Yesterday we honored our five graduates and had a baptism. We praise the Lord for his work.
  • Summer is upon us. VBS registration is open and we need volunteers. It will be the weekend of July 19-20.
  • Also, Mez McConnell, the founder of 20 Schemes will be here to preach on Father's Day. It's not everyday a Scotsman preaches at your church. Can't Wait!
Here's some links:
God Designed You for Peace … let's walk in it then.
Wives, He's Not Your DIY Project … trusting the Lord with our spouse.
How Do I Know if PTSD Is My Sin or Suffering? … perhaps that's the wrong question.
“You may have missed the point if you can recite 1,000 bible verses but don't know your neighbor's names.” [Anonymous]
In Christ,
Pastor Brandon
Brandon Pugh
Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church
Greenbrier, TN
(615) 643-0230

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