Monday Morning Musings

Hey all. Grace and peace to you and may the Lord bless you fully with a sense of his love. So thankful for God's truth and that Christ is king. Make sure you take this week to celebrate the Risen Savior who first suffered and died in your place.
  • First of all, the Maundy Thursday service is at 7pm. I announced it was 5pm but it is at 7pm. Love to see you there and think it's a helpful service, though it is relatively new to Baptist life.
  • Second, don't forget there are several items coming up. Pay attention to the newsletter that will be sent out or the bulletin. Both will have the info you need.
  • Third, Easter is Sunday. We will be in the gym for the worship service.
Reflections on Rest … this is also a promo for a counselor's conference but it's also a helpful video on a big issue we all face right now — not resting as we ought.
Four Marks of True Revival … I am always praying for revival. You should too.
If a Millennial Is Born and No One Is There to Record It … did it happen? More helpful insights on our digital dysfunction.
Reaching Our Neighbors … evangelism according to the Bible with practical helps.
Easter in Real Time … use this guide through Holy Week to help you focus on the Passion of Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Brandon
Brandon Pugh
Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church
Greenbrier, TN
(615) 643-0230

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