Monday Morning Musings

Grace and peace to you all. Just a word of thanks to all of you as you pray for my vocal cord recovery. Hopefully this will be over in a few weeks. Also, I was encouraged yesterday by guest preacher Chris' sermon on self-control. God is good and he trains us by his grace, not his law. Thankful for that reminder.
  • Our kids left today for CentriKid. Pray for them please!
  • This Sunday Mez McConnell from 20Schemes in Scotland will be here preaching. I can't wait. Please pray and invite a friend.
  • This month we also have our youth going to Crossings. Pray for their hearts and minds as they go.
  • And, in case you didn't hear, Dusty and Leah Walker are leaving us. We are so sad and our hearts are heavy, but happy and excited for them, as Dusty takes a full-time position at Falling Water Baptist Church as their music minister and family pastor. Yep, that's the church where Brandon Carder pastors. They are growing and we praise God for what God is doing through them in the Chattanooga area. Stay tuned. We will definitely have a send-off for them.
Here's some links:
A Coward's Guide to Evangelism … since we've been trying to grow in evangelism.
Young Man, Don't Even Take the First Bet … sports betting is a big problem that is getting bigger.
Thank You Parents … for your Sunday faithfulness. Great meditation!
Godly Sorrow vs. Worldly Sorrow … discerning genuine repentance.
Five Myths About the End Times … since we are in the book of Revelation, this could be helpful.

“No matter what good truths you have to teach, no one will thank you if you do not speak kindly.—C.H. Spurgeon

In Christ,
Pastor Brandon
Brandon Pugh
Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church
Greenbrier, TN
(615) 643-0230

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